Japanese Simutrans Forum
日本語simutransフォーラム => バグレポート => 解決されたバグ => トピック開設者: z9999+ さんの発言 2011/10/21 19:35
Unable to upgrade HQ in its existing location (http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=8262.0)
9.3: City hall placed on 2 different levels (http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=6994.0)
Related topic:
Unable to upgrade HQ in its existing location (http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=8262.0)
9.3: City hall placed on 2 different levels (http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=6994.0)
If townhall is build on vertical slopes, it can be broken when it is renovated.
See attached image about how to reproduce.
Thanks, easy to fix.