Japanese Simutrans Forum

日本語simutransフォーラム => バグレポート => 解決されたバグ => トピック開設者: z9999+ さんの発言 2010/12/17 19:54

トピック名: [nightly] オンラインゲームでの自動保存の問題
投稿者: z9999+ さんの発言 2010/12/17 19:54
- クライアントとの同期が失われる。
- 会社名、パスワードなどが保存されない。

In online game mode, autosave feature having problems.
It should ignore autosave setting or change something.

- After autosaving, synchronizing will be lost. (Tested with large game.)
- Savegame version of network save and autosave are different, so many feature like as company name, password, are lost in autosave.
- For players, iti is very pain to change this setting only for network game and restore it for normal circumstance.

At least, client should ignore autosave setting.
As for server, if you allow to use autosave, it needs change souece code not to lost synchronizing, and also savegame version should be network game version.