Japanese Simutrans Forum

日本語simutransフォーラム => バグレポート => トピック開設者: z9999+ さんの発言 2010/12/19 14:09

トピック名: [nightly] 「差異の表示」に時間がかかりすぎる
投稿者: z9999+ さんの発言 2010/12/19 14:09

On online game mode, it takes terrible long time to find mismatch.
For example, gift.physik.tu-berlin.de takes 00:03:49 for me.
If there are more pak files in pakset, it will take more time but there is no way to abort this process.

Sending hash one by one is not a good idea.
How about this.

1. Export a list containing all pak name and hash to one text file when server starts.
2. Send this text file when client requested mismatch.
3. Client can compare it locally.