Hello again,
I hope I understand you correctly.
I think there are some different possibilities
1) I get all the files, with some information about them: name of the object, object type, copyright holder, game version. Preferably you would give me an image to go with it as well.
I will than put all the files on the regular addons site.
- little work for the Japanese community
- the addons will appear on the main addons site (good for us non-japanese)
- updates are much work because you will have to contact me for every update
- much work for me

not really a problem
2)A member of the Japanese community who speaks at least a little English will get an account on the addons site. He can upload, publish and change addons on the site, just like I can. He will not be able to change my posts, so there is little he can break. He can change his own posts.
The text would be in English, but the English required is very simple. All entries basicly look like this:
[object name]
copyright: [name]
game version: [number, date or "?"]
So you don't even have to write an English word, just names and numbers.
- the addons will appear on the main addons site (good for us non-japanese)
- this is my preferred solution
- you will have to find someone who is willing to do it
3)You will get your own addons page, like this: It uses the same database system, but the layout can be changed however you like. You could use the Japanese language here.
- no English skills required
- I cannot read Japanese, so somebody trustworthy should be in charge.
- This is not much better than the current solution.
Other remarksI don't think that every single Japanese painter should get his own account (although it is possible). I'd prefer to create just one, or a few accounts for practical reasons. You will have to find one or a few persons who will manage the addons anyhow.
Onegai Shimasu (maybe a bit displaced, but I don't know much more Japanese)
and sorry for the long post.