投稿者 トピック: こんにちは、私たちは、このコミュニティからいくつかのニュースを聞くと思います。  (参照数 11921 回)


  • 各駅停車
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  • 投稿: 1

私は日本語を知らないので申し訳ありませんが、ここでは英語で作成されて。(Google Translate)

Due to the recent incidents in Japan, we of The International Simutrans Forum created a topic so that we could receive messages and news from our Japanese members of Simutrans Community.


We have been concerned with what could have happened with the members of this forum and with z9999+ (he is member of our forum too).

I particularly would like to hear at least a "Hello", in this topic or in the topic that we opened in our forum.

We all wish the best for Japanese people.
« 最終編集: 2011/03/16 05:12 by IgorEliezer »


  • 管理人
  • 急行
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  • 投稿: 381
Thank you for your concern for our safety.
The victims in disaster areas are still facing many difficulties in a serious situation.
We are wishing that they will come back to their normal life as early as possible.