投稿者 トピック: [111-2-2] bonus_basefactorはpay_for_total_distance=2以外では動作しない?  (参照数 4021 回)


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  • 投稿: 381

Does bonus_basefactor work only when pay_for_total_distance=2 ?
pay_for_total_distance=0 and 1 are still using old code.

I'm not sure this is intended or a bug.

コード: [選択]
if (welt->get_settings().get_pay_for_total_distance_mode() == settings_t::TO_DESTINATION) {
// pay only the distance, we get closer to our destination
const sint32 grundwert128 = (ware.get_besch()->get_preis()*1000)/welt->get_settings().get_bonus_basefactor(); // bonus price will be always at least 0.128 of the real price
} else if (welt->get_settings().get_pay_for_total_distance_mode() == settings_t::TO_TRANSFER) {
// pay distance traveled to next trasnfer stop
const sint32 grundwert128 = ware.get_besch()->get_preis()<<7; // bonus price will be always at least 0.128 of the real price
else {
// pay distance traveled
const sint32 grundwert128 = ware.get_besch()->get_preis()<<7; // bonus price will be always at least 0.128 of the real price

If this is a bug, convoi detail window and goods list windowmay need to change its code, too.

コード: [選択]
const sint32 grundwert128 = v->get_fracht_typ()->get_preis()<<7;

コード: [選択]
const sint32 grundwert128 = wtyp->get_preis()<<7;

BTW, old grundwert128 is ..
grundwert128 = ware.get_besch()->get_preis()<<7 = preis*128

new grundwert128 is ..
grundwert128 = (ware.get_besch()->get_preis()*1000)/welt->get_settings().get_bonus_basefactor() = preis*1000/125 = preise*8

The value is very different between them.
Is this code really correct ? I doubt.
« 最終編集: 2012/05/01 12:13 by z9999+ »


  • 各駅停車
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  • 投稿: 45


  • 管理人
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  • 投稿: 381
BTW, old grundwert128 is ..
grundwert128 = ware.get_besch()->get_preis()<<7 = preis*128

new grundwert128 is ..
grundwert128 = (ware.get_besch()->get_preis()*1000)/welt->get_settings().get_bonus_basefactor() = preis*1000/125 = preise*8

The value is very different between them.
Is this code really correct ? I doubt.

No reply for this ? Which means that this fomula is correct ?

Then, default bonus_basefactor 125 can get only 0.8% of the price. It was 12.8% before.

bonus_basefactor=1 can get full price.
bonus_basefactor=2 can get half of the price.
bonus_basefactor=1000 can get 0.1% of the price.

So, we can't set the price of between 100% and 50%.
I think this fomula below is better, which allows to use more flexible value.

const sint32 grundwert128 ware.get_besch()->get_preis()*welt->get_settings().get_bonus_basefactor();

In this case.
bonus_basefactor=1000 can get full price.
bonus_basefactor=500 can get half of the price.
bonus_basefactor=1 can get 0.1% of the price.

How do you think about this ?
« 最終編集: 2012/05/04 12:10 by z9999+ »


  • 各駅停車
  • *
  • 投稿: 45
Too tired aparently ;) I only copied your code lines in all the places without going through the code.

The best way out would be probably use indeed

Most pak do not set this value anyway, so it seems save to chaneg its calculation.